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Engaging reads for children, from Books go Walkabout

Kangaroo Kisses
by Nandana Dev Sen
from Otter-Barry Books

Kangaroo Kisses cover image:

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Kangaroo Kisses by Nandana Dev Sen and illustrated by Pippa Curnick is an opening title for Otter-Barry Books, an exciting new imprint, being launched on June 8th in London.

Kangaroo Kisses is beautifully produced in hard back by Otter-Barry Books. It is a a book of adventures for bedtime as the toys become real wild animals.

I’m learning to fly with the geese in the sky!’ and the illustrations are engaging and fun for young children. From hippos to bears and at the end to Kangaroo… who is god with the kisses to send you to sleep.

Great for young children, a debut children’s book for Nandana Dev Sen who is an award winning actor writer and child-rights activist. Visit her website to see her amazing work. I was inwardly most impressed by Princess Jasmine in Disneyland!

Pippa Curnick is a freelance designer and illustrator, and winner of the Seven Stories Illustration Competition, 2013.

Looking forward to being at the launch of Otter-Barry Books, a great start and future ahead.

Sue Martin       Books Go Walkabout         Dolphin BookSellers

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The Big Book of Mr Badger by Leigh Hobbs

Mr Badger

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Mr Badger is always on hand to cope with many surprises at the Boubles Grand Hotel.

My favourite story is Mr Badger and the Missing Ape. Algernon is usually kept stuffed in a glass case in the lobby. But Lady Celia’s granddaughter is not happy with this gorilla and wants it sent away. As she usually gets just whatever she wants the alarming disappearance one morning gives Mr Badger quite a task, but solve it, he does.

There are four stories in the one book, which is full of brilliant sketches and the characters really come to life.

Mr Badger is written by Leigh Hobbs, who has an amazing talent for writing and for illustrating too. He has a great website for a whole range of his books.

This year he has been appointed as the Australian Children’s Laureate and there are whole host of great activities for children all over the world as well as Australia.

Mr Badger is published by Allen and Unwin, Australia and can be purchased here in the UK.

A great book and we recommend for children 7+, especially for those who still get a lot from the images through each chapter.

Sue Martin Books Go Walkabout and Dolphin Book Blog

Ultimate Mapping Guide for Kids

Ultimate Mapping Guide for Kids

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Who needs Google Maps when you can read and learn from the Ultimate Mapping Guide for Kids?

Justin Miles is the author of this extremely inviting mapping guide, published by QED Publishing released on May 20th 2016.

Being so new you may not see it in the bookshops yet, but I can be absolutely certain that when you buy on-line, this book will be used straight away.

It is packed with information from, creating your own map of your room, to a world wide guide on orienteering and navigation. There is a section on using the stars and another on using GPS to find your way.

Try out the new outdoor game of Geocaching ,you can make your own game in the garden, park or nearby outside space.

With its fast pace,clear instructions and nuggets of information, this authoritative guide will appeal to all. Written by Justin Miles, one of the few full time explorers in the world, this book won’t just whet your appetite for adventure; it will give you the confidence and the tools to set off on one too.

Justin Miles is a British professional adventurer and has explored The Arctic, climbed mountains, explored deserts and hacked his way through the jungle. He uses his work is support charities and fuel education projects. He is the founder of Just for a Challenge and supports the global education programme Educate a Child.

Books Go Walkabout works in a similar way and supports children across the globe, we recommend Justin’s work and especially the Ultimate Mapping Guide for Kids. In fact I am about to set out to the untamed North Norfolk coast this afternoon, armed with this book and a flask of coffee!

Have fun mapping!

Sue Martin

Books Go Walkabout and Dolphin Booksellers


Oh, Freedom !
by Francesco D’Adamo

The story had me hooked from the beginning, it’s an amazing story of freedom from slavery set in Alabama in May 1850.

Oh Freedom

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Due for release in June 2016 by Darf Publishers, written by Francesco D’Adamo and translated by Sian Williams.

Captain Archer and his intimidating guards with their fierce dogs, protect the land and prevent the slaves from leaving. Tommy is part of a family of slaves and meets Peg Leg Joe, who turned out not to be the devil but a spirit in disguise, who was to lead Tommy and his family away from slavery and into the promised land of freedom, Canada.

‘ Are you a Devil?’ he asked….

The man squatted on his heels, ‘No’, he replied. ‘Are you?’

‘No way!’ exclaimed Tommy.

‘Well then,’said Peg Leg Joe,’we can trust each other.’

Tommy had to admit that was reasonable.

Now the boy could see the man properly, and stared at the wooden leg sticking out of his right trouser leg. So it was not a cloven hoof. P.3

They travel along the legendary Underground Railroad, which stretched for miles across the country’s vastness,the network famously facilitated more than 100,000 slaves to a new life. For Tommy the journey is far from easy and he takes on responsibilities ahead of his years. He later becomes a guide along the routes, moving silently and bringing many people to freedom .

Tommy also learns to read and at one stage discovers a poster advertising a ‘Sale of Slaves’. Knowing that he could read he discovers a truth…

‘His heart beat very fast. He was unlocking a secret, and would find something that the others, his father,mother,sisters could never know. But he would! Confusedly,he understood that doing this made him strong. p.103′.

A powerful book and has lots of links with the current refugee movements.

This is a young adult book and recommended for age 10 years and beyond.

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Discover Series – Ancient Egyptians,The Roman Empire

The Ancient Egyptians by Isabel and Imogen Greenberg

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The Ancient Egyptians is the first book in the new Discover Series, published by Frances Lincoln and newly released on 7th April.

The style and illustrations make this a very good read into life at this time. It is a perfect companion for curriculum use and research in the classroom as well as in the home. It’s great as inspiration for wall displays in schools across the UK. It’s a book that is not only easy to read in the graphic style but will allow the information to stay with you.

The information in the book includes everything from pharaohs and mummies to daily life and the role of the Nile, via hieroglyphs and archaeology. A map and a timeline complete this fabulous book by graphic novelist Isabel Greenberg and her sister Imogen Greenberg.

There is also a special exhibition at The British Museum on Ancient Egypt’s Sunken Cities which open on 19th May.

The Roman Empire by Isabel and Imogen Greenberg

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Discover the Roman Empire is also newly published on 7th April and written and illustrated by Isabel and Imogen Greenberg.

It covers a length of time in the Roman Empire starting with the rise and ending with the fall of the empire. There are great sections on Roman beliefs, architecture, inventions and daily life. It is a good book for the curriculum in primary schools and also to read at home.

We recommend for ages 7-10 years and as a book to have at home for all the family.

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers and Books Go Walkabout

Malini by Robert Hillman

Malini cover image

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In the closing stages of Sri Lanka’s civil war, Malini and her family are herded by soldiers to the coast, where they will act as human shields. Malini’s father tells her to hide in the forest with her younger sister, Banni.

But once the shelling begins, Malini realises they are not safe there,and they must travel inland to her grandparents.

But will they survive and who can they trust?

This is a truly remarkable story on one girl, her sister and how they made it through the jungle and past the soldiers in war torn Sri Lanka.

Part of the Through My Eyes series published by Allen and Unwin and in connection with Unicef, Malini is written by Robert Hillman.

This is a story for everyone, and for all who are struggling to live in war torn areas of the world.

We recommend this book for all ages…

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers and BooksGoWalkabout

The Jungle Book – a reimagining of Mowgli’s story by Robert Hunter – New Release!

Jungle Book cover image

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An evocative tale of Mowgli and his story in the jungle, with Bagheeera, Baloo and the wolf pack. Mowgli has to face life with others who are not so keen to help, Kaa,the snake, the pack of monkeys and Shere Khan, the tiger.

The first in a series of classic texts reimagined into the modern day, published by Frances Lincoln  (Quarto Group), as Classics Here and Now. These will be a wonderful way of bringing the classic stories to children of today and maybe encouraging them to read the original versions.

The publication coincides with the release of a new feature length film of Jungle Book from Disney and it also commemorates the 80th anniversary of the death of Rudyard Kipling.

Robert Hunter is a London based illustrator and this is his first children’s book, but he is well known with work for V&A, The New York Times and other places.

The images in the book are beautiful and bring a sense of a forever sunset in the jungle, using blue, purple and pinks. The presentation of the book is one for everyone and in hardback makes a really special present and book for keeps.

The parting words of Baloo are the call of any parent.

” Remember!” called Baloo. ” If you ever get in trouble, use the Jungle Call!” And he made the sound, which carried through the night, mournful and long.


But Mowgli had already gone.’

We recommend for ages from 6 years for sharing and for 7 onwards to adults and beyond for reading.

Sue Martin Books Go Walkabout and Dolphin Booksellers

The Truth about Peacock Blue by Rosanne Hawke

The Truth About Peacock Blue cover image...

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An immensely powerful story of truth about todays hard world in the life of Peacock Blue, written by Rosanne Hawke and published by Allen and Unwin.

This is a powerful story about one girl’s fight for justice in Pakistan. Quietly getting on with life, Aster faces huge changes when her brother dies. Instead of finding a suitable husband, her parents decide that she will be educated, which to a western mind is a good idea.

But she attends a school for Muslim girls and is in the minority being a Christian. At her examinations a teacher who finds her difficult as a Christian accuses her of blaspheming. It was a simple spelling mistake with enormous consequences.

Aster is imprisoned, her family and the whole village have to move away and she faces the death sentence.

In Australia, there is an online petition which gathers amazing results, but will it really help?

I read to the end in absolute unbelief…. a must read book. Excellent blog by Paula Vince, worth reading.

We recommend for ages 10 and above and for adults too.

Sue Martin Books Go Walkabout and Dolphin Booksellers

Everybody Feels… New series from QED Publishing

Everybody feels angryAre you sad, angry, happy or scared? This new series from QED Publishing features emotions, how and why children sometimes feel they way they do.

Coping with feelings is a challenge for young children at times and finding ways that will help to express emotions, talk about what is happening and the different things that can make children upset or wildly happy.

Every title features two stories, each told from a child’s point of view and in a common scene or something familiar to the child.

At the end of the story there are story words’ which explain words simply and gently.

The series is written with care and love by Moira Butterfield and illustrated by Holly Sterling. They both have brilliant websites full of information.

We recommend these books for Early Years settings and also for sharing at home. Everybody feels sad

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Ralf by Jean Jullien


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Ralph is forever getting under his family’s feet, But when a fire threatens to burn the house down, Ralf stretches himself to the limit to save his family.

This is an intriguing book with a style of illustrations that turns over the page for you. When Ralf cannot wake his family you instantly feel the life of a dog when everyone is asleep and they are forever alert.

Ralf is published by Frances Lincoln and was released in February 2016, the hardback edition is well worth the money and has a lovely tactile sense to your fingers.

Jean Jullien is a graphic designer from France who is known for his symbols of peace in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015. He now lives in London and is working on an eclectic body of work in illustration.

Now working on children’s books, his first book Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise is a huge success

We recommend this book for ages 2yr to share and for 4/5 years for beginning to read alone and for adults everywhere!

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