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Engaging reads for children, from Books go Walkabout

20 Games to Create with Scratch by Max Wainewright

20 Games to create with Scratch cover image

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This book will show you how to create 20 brilliant games using Scratch, which is a free programming language and online resource for creating interactive stories, games and animations.

One of the best books we have seen on coding for children. The text and images are really clear and fun. It gives all the directions on cartoons, sound effects, creating a scoring system, how to move the sprites around the game, storing the info and lots, lots more.

The cat and mouse game means the cats are cloned so the mice really do have to watch out. You can make the cat creep as well as walk and develop repeat loop runs! Absolutely amazing! And totally fascinating.

So, before you buy this book and give straight to a young person, have a go at a game, suggest starting at the first one. I’m working on it now!!

Max Wainewright has written more than 20 educational software titles for children. His programs and websites have won a number of awards including BETT, ERA, and Practical Pre-School Gold Awards. Max also used to be a primary school teacher. He lives in London with his wife and two children.
QED, the publishers have a great list of titles and are very well known for their knowledge of children’s interests and in working with excellent authors. 20 Games to Create with Scratch is a brilliant book.
Sue Martin
Books Go Walkabout

The Dragon’s Hoard by Lari Don and Cate James

The Dragon's Hoard

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Dragons are looming large in our blogs this month!

The Dragon’s Hoard has eleven amazing stories from Viking Sagas, and it’s packed with warriors, battles, Berserkers, monsters and zombies. A really good book for story time as the nights get longer and darker in the northern hemisphere.

Lari Don is the author and Cate James is the illustrator in this recently published book from Frances Lincoln Children’s Books. As a team the production of this book is brilliant,  it brings mythical and historical characters to life through the excellent  stories and wonderful illustrations.

It can be used as a good resource for Key Stage 2 National Curriculum work on the Vikings. It is a very creative and inspiring read on the Viking period of history from long ago. It is a good book to have in the library and also at home as the short stories are easy to share together and will bring some magic to stories around the fire or at bedtime.

Lari Don was born in Chile and has lived in Scotland for a long while, a keen interest in Scottish Landscapes and myths and fables. She has written many books including the award winning YA novel Mind Blind.

Cate James lives in Sydney and has many successful books including the Lollipop and Grandpa series. She also is a volunteer visiting artist at the Sydney Children’s Hospital.

Dragon's Hoard

And as for the dragon’s tales… maybe we can find some more to add to this months collection of dragons good and bad, friendly and fierce.

Sue Martin



Dare to Care: Pet Dragon

Dare to Care: Pet Dragon cover image

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If you too have ever wanted to have a pet dragon, then this is the book for you!

A spectacular and fun spoof pet-care guide to dragons with everything you would ever need; taking your dragon to the vets, how to groom your dragon, teaching it to fly.

Written by Sally Symes and illustrated by M.P Robertson, published by Frances Lincoln it is now available in paper back at £6.99 or for a gift in hardback at £11.99.

There are pages of fun facts, such as  what to give your dragon to eat and what is not so good, brussel sprouts for instance are a complete No!

The Dragon Snatcher cover image

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When it comes to grooming the illustrations are really good and include a tiler fixing the scales, a chimney sweep for the fire and smoke places and much more.

Great team work on this book and makes an excellent book for children aged from 5 and above. It’s part of a series about dragons and includes  The Egg and the Dragon Snatcher.

Sue Martin


Maralinga’s Long Shadow

Yvonne's Story

Yvonne’s Story – review or purchase this book from here…

Maralinga’s Long Shadow is an incredible book, an amazing and daunting story. Written by Christobel Mattingley and published by Allen and Unwin, Australia.

In the vast outback of South Australia lived Yvonne, she was part of the Anangu people who had lived on that land for generation after generation.

They passed on this precious knowledge , sleeping under the stars through all cycles of the seasons.’

They knew this land and needed no maps, shops or anything other than that which the land would provide. And they were happy.

‘Then the walypala, (whitefellas) came, who did not know the land and they called it desert.

They brought sheep and other animals and started to build a railway.

They brought the need for other things that this land could not provide and they were greedy’.

In 1950, the United Aborigines Mission, had many women who now wore clothes and learnt the walypala’s ways. But one day they took one of their women away from the missions as she was to give birth to her new baby.

Yvonne was born, slightly paler skin than normal, but then her father was a walypala.

She went on to live through enormous change, tragedy and family sadness, with courage and, hope, giving strength to her people, leading them and giving grace.

In 1953, town atomic bombs were exploded at Emu Field, 320 kilometres from Maralinga. In 1956, when Yvonne was 6 years old, they exploded the first bomb of 15,000 tons, part of Operation Buffalo at Maralinga, followed by three further bombs.

And there was still more testing of atomic bombs.

But, strangely, life continued at the camps at Maralinga. The Anangu people were involved in working in the area, usually barefoot with no protective clothing for many years. The effect of this work directly on radio-active lands, and in the breathing of toxic air, meant that there were many deaths, many birth defects in babies and unbelievable suffering.

The book is a story of Yvonne, her life, her family and her ability to challenge and receive some support for her family and her peoples. It is a remarkable story and an insight into the life of an Australian indigenous people in the 1950’s.

The book is beautifully presented in a glossy finish. It is packed with wonderful photographs and artwork by Yvonne Edwards, of the families and the land of Maralinga.

It is a book to keep and treasure, and you can purchase on line too. We recommend for ages 10 and above, and it’s definitely a book for adults too.

Sue Martin

Books Go Walkabout





SLA UK School Librarian of the Year Award 2016


Amy wins!

‘The SLA School Librarian of the Year Award is the School Library Association’s prestigious honour to recognize the excellent work that is carried out in school libraries every day, highlighting the best practice of those whose work is outstanding.

This year Amy McKay at Corby Business Academy ( has been awarded the honour of the School Librarian of the Year 2016′.

We were delighted to attend the award ceremony at The Judges Court, St. Martins Lane, Covent Garden, London on the 3rd October, 2016.

Award winning author Kim Slater was on hand to present Amy with her prize. The range of library activities, reader support and wider engagement with the library and literacy sector that Amy has achieved in her career so far made her a very deserving winner in 2016.

You can read more about Amy’s work at the Corby Business Academy here.

Books go Walkabout chanted in unison ‘…well done and congratulations Amy!’

Nomination forms for School Librarian of the Year 2017 will be available from the SLA website, at

Previous Winners of the SLA School Librarian of the Year Award
2015: Annie Brady – St Paul’s CBS Secondary School, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
2014: Liz Millett – Weatherfield Academy, Dunstable
2013: Hilary Cantwell – St Paul’s Community College, Waterford, Republic of Ireland
2013: John Iona – Oasis Academy, Enfield, Middlesex
2012: Adam Lancaster – Monk’s Walk School, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
2011: Carol Webb – Forest Hill School, London
2010: Duncan Wright – Stewart’s Melville College, Edinburgh
2010: Kevin Sheehan – Offerton School, Stockport
2009: Lucy Bakewell – Hill West Primary School, Sutton Coldfield
2008: Nikki Heath – Werneth School, Stockport
2007: Ingrid Hopson – George Abbot School, Guildford
2006: Anne-Marie Tarter – Ripon Grammar School, North Yorkshire
2005: Anne Robinson – Nicholas Chamberlaine Technology College, Bedworth

slalogobuttonThe SLA School Librarian of the Year 2016 is sponsored by Macmillan Children’s Books
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The Little Pioneer by Adam Hancher

This is a review of The Little Pioneer written by Adam Hancher and published by Frances Lincoln Children’s Books.

The Little Pioneer

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The Little Pioneer tells a story of one little girl’s adventures as she journeys through America with hope to find a better life in California.

She soon discovers the excitement and dangers of travelling from the east to the west coast of America.
As the journey goes on this little girl learns what courage and determination you need to become a pioneer.

The Little Pioneer was selected by Costco as one of their picks of Bologna Book Fair.

This book has amazing illustrations and I would suggest it is for ages 7-11.

Our guest reviewer: Emily Williams aged 12 years


The Phillipa Pearce Lecture 2016

Minnow on the Say by Phillipa Pearce

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The 2016 Phillipa Pearce Lecture promises great things… Allan Ahlberg has titled his lecture John Wayne & Sibelius or The Train Has Rain In It.

The lecture will be held on Thursday 1st September at 5.00pm at Homerton College, Cambridge.

It is an annual event and hosted as a tribute to the wonderful work of Phillipa Pearce who grew up close to Cambridge in the 1930’s. Her most famous books include;  Tom’s Midnight Garden, Minnow on the Say and A Dog So Small.

Allan Ahlberg is the author of over a hundred books for children and winner of many awards, including two Greenaway prizes for Each Peach Pear Plum and The Jolly Postman.

He tells brilliantly funny stories and he has some fine collections of poetry.

We are looking forward very much to the lecture.

Sue Martin     Books Go Walkabout



Atlas of Animal Adventures from Wide Eyed Publishers

Atlas of Animal Adventures by Wide Eyed Publishers

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New Release for 1st September is the Atlas of Animal Adventures by Wide Eyed Editions part of  Quarto Publishing group.  Illustrated by Lucy Letherland, written by Rachel Williams and Emily Hawkins

From the creators of the bestselling Atlas of Adventures .

A terrific book! A collection of nature’s most unmissable events, epic migrations and extraordinary behaviours.

It’s a large hardback book which feels and looks wonderful. Each page is packed with information in a beautiful style of illustration. Alongside a main section of text there are smaller bite size sentences amongst the images, great style and a great way to explore and find out.

Each continent has several pages with different countries. It is easy and very clear how to find the countries and their continents. In Europe, for instance, there are Polar Bears in Greenland, Puffins in Iceland, Honey bees in the British Isles and, my favourite Barn Owls in France. The owls are gorgeous and we have owlets with nightcaps on in the tree and a protective parent owl overseeing the lavender field at dusk, a beautiful image.

Further afield we have Narwhals in Canada, Black Bears in the USA, Hummingbirds in Costa Rica, Hippos in Botswana and Birds of Paradise in Papua New Guinea.

We recommend the Atlas of Animal Adventures for everyone really and I am about to buy this book for presents for the family!! And for children… well, we go for ages, 6 and above and all ages too!!

Sue Martin                                            Books Go Walkabout






Dreamer, published by OtterBarry Books

Dreamer by Brian Moses and Bee Willey, buy from

A beautifully written and illustrated picture book about a world where we all care for each other, for animals, plants and places. It will be inspirational for young children and for adults as they see just how the world is changing.

Each page has a scene which has amazing colours and images, including the child dreamer, lots to see, and lots of ways into discussions and questions.

 Brian Moses and Bee Willey are an excellent duo, they both have so much experience and good books to their names. Brian is one of Britain’s favourite children’s poets and he is featured on the National Poetry Archive with over 200 books published and 2000 schools visited.

Bee spent her childhood in France and now lives in Suffolk, her books include, The Wooden Dragon by Joan Aiken and How to be a Princess by Caitlin Matthews.

Otter-Barry Books are new publishers this year and have included Dreamer in their new titles, a great edition and a clear direction for their books, which will make a difference.

Sue Martin          

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Books across the World!


Adder, Bluebell, Lobster
Wild Poems by Chrissie Gittins

Adder, Bluebell,  Lobster - book cover image

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There is more to this Wild Book of Poems from Otter-Barry Books than meets the eye!

From Adder to Wren, forty fantastic poems celebrate forty amazing animals, birds and plants and their beautiful names – names which you can help poet Chrissie Gittins save from EXTINCTION!

They are all words which have been left out of the latest Oxford Junior Dictionary. Join authors such as Michael Morpurgo and Margaret Atwood, who along with 28 other authors, protested against Oxford Junior Dictionary’s replacement of natural words with 21st century terms.

The poems are brilliant, each page has a poem from Chrissie and illustration from Paul Bommer such as.  Harry the Hamster

‘Harry the hamster, in his ball

rolled round the bedroom,

rolled round the hall.

He rolled to the bathroom,

he rolled to the stairs

where a huge teddy bear

took him clean unawares’.

We recommend for ages 6+ and for all ages.

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