‘My dragon is made from the sun and the stars.
Sparkled with stardust,
all night he follows the silver moon path
across the sky….’
An excerpt about the first dragon in the book, ‘Tell Me a Dragon’ by Jackie Morris, published by Frances Lincoln.
At Books Go Walkabout we held an author event in March with Jackie at William Tyndale Primary School, London, as part of their Bookweek adventures.
Jackie had the classes spellbound and intrigued as she talked about the places in West Wales where she writes and gets inspiration. The children all live in the city and a far cry from the wildness of the Welsh coast.
From a painting Jackie completed at the school, the Year 5’s began to use water colours and explore making a wash of colour.
Lots of fun and lots of learning.
Sue Martin
Books Go Walkabout Dolphin Booksellers
Twitter @booksgo
Sue, Jackie…after lunch!